Pregnant person

Supporting the Parental Leave Transition for Managers 

Managers play a critical role in shaping the parental leave experience for their employees.

The support and understanding they provide can have a lasting impact on both the wellbeing of employees and their overall work experience during this important time in their lives.

This webinar is designed to help managers navigate the challenges and responsibilities associated with supporting employees through parental leave, from the pre-leave planning phase to a successful return-to-work transition.  

Your facilitators will be highly experienced Executive Coaches, Sally McNamara and Rebecca Harper.

Key takeaways:

  • The impact managers have on the parental leave experience  
  • Setting up for success - action planning prior to parental leave 
  • Keeping connected - action planning during parental leave 
  • Return to work- action planning to ensure a smooth transition back to work  
  • Tips and tools to assist Managers in creating a Family Inclusive environment  


Event Details


Hosted by: Parents At Work
Start: Wednesday, 19th March 2025 | 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEDT
Category: Education
Duration: 60min
Location: Online / Zoom


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Parents at Work supports people to thrive at work and home. We bridge the work and home divide by embedding flexibility, wellbeing, parental transition and wider caring services to enable workplaces and their people to thrive. For more information about our services or the event, please email